- Develop managerial skills to manage quality in the health and social care sector.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the health and social care organisations and their management systems.
- Manage budgets and perform financial analysis of health and social care organisations for effective decision making.
- Manage complex issues in the organisation to improve management practice.
- Perform environmental analysis for strategic marketing decision making to implement strategy.
- Manage team performance for the quality of service delivery in health and social care organisations.
- Understand advanced economic literature on the demand and supply of health care.
- Critically review the role of agencies and health care organisations in the promotion of health programmes globally.
- Understand strategic human resource techniques and tools to manage employee performance.
- Identify a research topic and questions and apply advanced research techniques and tools to create new literature on health and social care.
Course Structure
Module 1: Managing Service Delivery in Health and Social Care
In this unit, learners will be able to learn effective management and leadership skills for efficient and effective service delivery in the health and social care organisations. You will learn how to plan, organise, control, manage and check techniques for good service delivery.
Module 2: Managing Finance in Health and Social Care
Students explore key concepts and frameworks for accounting and finance and learn how to interpret the company’s financial reports. Students will also become familiar with financial statements, budgets and data as well as financial and non-financial performance indicators. These highly applicable techniques can be used to drive company success.
Module 3: Managing Enterprise in Health and Social Care
This unit aims to develop learner knowledge of the processes and behaviours involved in developing enterprise in health and social care administration from various perspectives informed by theory, research and professional practice.
Module 4: Strategic Marketing for Health and Social Care
This unit aims to develop a strategic marketing focus and link it to the strategy process within in health and social care organisations.
Module 5: The Economics of Health Care
The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of issues especially microeconomics analysis of health care. Learners will be able to understand principles and applications of the world economy, the cost-benefit literature, welfare economics and public finance, consumer theory and industrial economics. It aims to establish a critical awareness of the integration of theory, data, and analysis in relation to health care economics.
Module 6: Strategic Management and Change
Healthcare has continued to experience significant environmental change including technological breakthroughs in gene research and therapy and bioengineering, economic and competitive pressure that have altered the industry. This unit aims to explore strategic management tools to manage health care organisations in the dynamic and changing environment.
Module 7: Research Methods for Managers
In this module, you will be able to develop a critical understanding of the different assumptions underlying research into the health or social sciences and the nature and status of research methodology and at the end, you understand how to write a research report by data collection, analysis, conclusions and presentation of data.
Module 8: Managing Quality through Human Resource Management
Health and social care organisations today face unprecedented challenges. These challenges are obliging organisations to redesign their internal structures and policies. New people management strategies are at the centre of these organisational changes. This course examines the character of these people management strategies in modern organisations.
Module 9: Strategic Project Management for Managers
This unit will develop strategic decision making for learners in the health and social care sector to drive the value of the organisation from the execution of strategy through strategic projects.
Entry Requirements
- EBMA Graduate Diploma in Health and Social Care Management OR
- Bachelor Degree from a recognised university in Health and Social Care or equivalent
Additionally, applicants must have two years work experience at managerial or supervisory level.
Fees Information
EBMA only charges registration fees from the centre that includes quality assurance of assessment and certification.
Support and Training
Career Development
University Pathways
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