Qualification Overview
The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of the various aspects of business management and administration. It provides a rich collaborative learning experience where learners can exchange views with other participants, interact with active research tutors and are challenged to become reflective practitioners.
This qualification provides Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to senior managers where learners evaluate their past, present and future performance. Learners will develop their views of management through teamwork, group interaction, case studies, business simulation and work based learning and reflection. Drawing on personal experience and applying their newly acquired skills and knowledge are key elements of the programme. The course equips learners to be a confident, creative and capable manager, well versed in all management and administration functions with the flexibility to see situations from a fresh perspective. This course builds on a critical perspective that enables learners to explore their leadership styles, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and consider a variety of approaches to change.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration also provides its learners with realistic and appropriate career-related guidance for early 21st Century employment markets. Moreover, the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration creates an opportunity for learners to complete their MBA degree from the UK recognised university at an advanced level.
The Diploma has a total equivalence of 135 credits and is considered as Part 1 of the University MBA degree programme. Completing the Diploma allows access to a dissertation at one of our University partners for a related Master Degree.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the qualification, learners will be able to:
- Critically analyse an industry and a specific firm within an industry.
Make use of different aspects of business models in making managerial decisions. - Utilise statistical analysis to assess product demand conditions.
- Perform financial analysis to assess an organisation’s financial condition.
- Communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally for a variety of objectives and audiences.
- Think laterally, critically, innovatively, creatively and to make connections among diverse fields of study in analysing business problems.
- Apply the skills towards complex problem analysis, decision-making and in the application of modern strategic management methods relevant to the field of business administration.
- Explain and apply analytical constructs to business problem solving.
- Develop and present innovative solutions to complex supply chain and logistic problems.
- Appreciate the values of social responsibility, legal and ethical philosophy in business, and corporate governance through the analysis and symposium of relevant articles and real business cases.
- Perform team work and leadership skills.
- Design organisations to make and implement specific business decisions under given performance requirements.
- Perform various business activities necessary for managerial posts that satisfy market demand.
- Engage in environmental activities
Course Structure
The overall structure of the course is based on 9 mandatory modules that cover a number of topics relating to learning outcomes. Each unit has the equivalency of 15 credits. Learners will be invited to attend lectures and workshops that will introduce the subject matter.
Learners must complete all units successfully and achieve 135 credits before the Diploma can be issued. Total Qualification Time (TQT) to complete the full qualification is 1350 hours. While, Guided Learning Hours (GLH) refers to the amount of study undertaken by learners under the direction of their tutors and it includes tutorials, seminars, workshops, directed research, project or assignment.
It is expected that a learner will need to complete following TQT against each unit to complete the full Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration.
Entry Requirements
Learners must fulfil the following criteria to be permitted entry on to the course –
- Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Business Administration or
- an equivalent qualification equivalent to NQF Level 6.
- The methods for assessing student performance can be broadly summarised under coursework by following instructions for coursework. Both categories of assessment tool have particular functions within the learning experience of students and can be used to evaluate different aspects of learning outcomes.
- Learners are required to develop an assignment of each unit minimum 1500 words in length. Assignments are important part of learners’ work at the Centre. There are strict rules about:-
- plagiarism – using another person’s words out of a book/ journal article/ conversation/ lecture without formally acknowledging it,
- referencing – how to reference and refer to another person’s work in your written work so you avoid plagiarism,
- word length of essays and reports,
- Presentation and style of a report, including the style of language used, and
- Learners are required to sign a declaration of authentication to confirm that the work is their own and that any assistance given and/or sources used have been acknowledged.
- All learning outcomes must be assessed using assignment appropriate to the assessment of knowledge, understanding and skills. The Qualifications within this suite are vocational because they support a Learner’s career progression. Assessments will contain a question strand for each of the given unit’s Learning Outcomes. The assignment tasks will address the LO (Learning Outcome) and AC (Assessment Criteria) requirements. Within assignments there will always be requirements for Learner’s to engage with important and relevant theory that underpins the subject area
- There must be valid, sufficient, and authentic evidence of all the assessment criteria.
- Submitted assignments should be marked by an assessor. In order to pass a unit, a learner must achieve 50% marks in each assignment.
- Assessors must plan, gather and then assess learner’s evidence according to Postgraduate level descriptors’ requirements and on the basis of Pass/Fail criteria. These should be made available for internal moderation to the centre Internal Quality Assurer (IQA).
- Assessors must plan, gather and then assess learner’s evidence according to Postgraduate level descriptors’ requirements and on the basis of Pass/Fail criteria. These should be made available for internal moderation to the centre Internal Quality Assurer (IQA).
- EBMA External Quality Assurer (EQA) undertakes external moderation to monitor the assessment, internal moderation processes within the centre to make sure the assessment remains fit for purpose, and that the assessment process and practices by the centre continue to meet assessment standards requirements.
Fees Information
Learner(s) can study this qualification directly with EBMA through its virtual learning environment, or via recognised centres. Recognised centres are training providers, employers, colleges or universities, which are recognised by EBMA to deliver this qualification.
Study Directly with EBMA – Online through virtual learning environment
UK & International Students Fees: £3500.00 (Discounts & Scholarships Applies)
Study with EBMA Recognised Centres
In this case, you just have to pay Registration fee to EBMA. However, your study centre will charge course tuition fee. Please consult through our fees page for latest information.
Support and Training
Qualification Specification
Qualification specification includes all elements and requirements with respect of each of the details that apply to the qualification. Qualification specification is useful document for students, centres and centre staff. Please download the qualification specification from the following link:-
Specification for Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management
Training for Centre Staff
Book your training today and achieve recognised qualification in assessment and internal quality assurance. Following courses are available for individuals those who want to become assessors & IQA/IV.
- Level 3 Award in Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment
- Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
- Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocational Achievement
- Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Internal Quality Assurance/Internal Verifier
- Level 4 Award in Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice
- Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice
Please contact us if you would like to book your training and to achieve recognised qualification in assessment and internal quality assurance.
Career Development
Learners completing the EBMA Level 7 Diploma in Business Administration will allow progress to:
- A university partner to complete a dissertation to then receive a full master’s degree, or
- directly into employment in an associated profession.
This qualification provides a variety of careers and encourages learners to gain the skills and attitudes that will help them achieve their goals and aspirations.
University Pathways
EBMA Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration is recognised by the following universities where graduates are eligible for University master’s degree program. Students will complete dissertation phase of the master degree to obtain MBA.
University of St Mark and St John
MBA “Advanced Entry”
Students holding EBMA Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration can apply for MBA “Advanced Entry” Campus based degree programme offered by the University of St Mark & St John.
For more information, please click
University of St Mark and St John
Executive MBA “Advanced Entry”
Students holding EBMA Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration can apply for Executive MBA “Advanced Entry” Campus based degree programme offered by the University of St Mark & St John.
For more information, please click
University of Playmouth
MBA – Top up (Dissertation Level)
The Top-up MBA is an on-line programme which enables students to use prior qualifications and experience gained through EBMA Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration to study at masters level. The programme involves an on-line research methods module and the completion of a dissertation which is supervised virtually by subject specialists.
For more information, please click
University of Bolton
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Top-up)
Students holding EBMA Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration can apply for MBA Top Up Campus based degree programme offered by the University of Bolton.
Edith Cowan University Australia
MBA Advanced Entry /Credit Transfer
Holders of the EBMA Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration can apply to the Perth Graduate School of Business, Edith Cowan University Australia to complete their MBA degree. ECU’s MBA receives 5 star rating from Graduate Management Association of Australia.
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