We aim to provide outstanding customer service with the greatest care, respect and effectiveness to ensure consistency and reliability in our day to day business activities and communications.
Use of Language: We use clear and plain British English in all our documents and correspondence.
Equal Opportunity: We provide equal opportunities in access to our products and services.
Answering Calls: We receive every call within 40 seconds. If we cannot provide you with an immediate solution to your queries, we will provide you with a reference number and will try our best to seek resolution within three working days.
Respond to email, post and fax: We deal with any email, letter or fax within a same working day of receipt. If nature of email, letter or fax does not allow us to address same day, we will respond to you within five working days of receipt.
Complaint handling: We acknowledge all complaints within two working days and provide you with a necessary action plan within ten working days.
New centre application for recognition: We acknowledge within a same working day of receipt and provide a decision within 15 working days subject to availability of necessary evidence for recognition application by centre and visit report by EBMA Officers.
Quality assurance reports: We process and complete your external quality assurance report within three working days subject to a successful visit. These reports include a prior visit to centre recognition, external verifier visits and other unseen visits.
Candidate registrations: We process and confirm all candidate registration within three working days. EBMA Centre Portal allows centres to register candidates online and they are processed within a same working day of receipt of candidates’ data. They are further confirmed on receipt of successful payment.
Despatch of general materials: We despatch general materials on the day your enquiry processed.
Issuing results and certificates: We issue candidates results within 15 working days of successful completion of external moderation and quality assurance process.
Appeals and enquiry: We provide acknowledge Enquiries within five working days after the EBMA Enquiries Form has been received at EBMA’s office, and issue an invoice and do all necessary checks and reply to any Enquiries within 15 working days of receiving an Enquiry. EBMA response to any formal appeal will not be issued later than three months after the appeal was lodged with us.
EBMA Portal: EBMA provides quick, easy to use and secured gateway for its accredited learning centres through Portal. Centres can download all necessary information from their provided web portal access.