
What is a Centre?

A centre is an organisation undertaking the delivery of qualifications and assessments (and potentially other activities) to learners on behalf of EBMA. Centres are typically Adult Education Centre, Charity, Colleges, Employers, Schools, Sixth Form Colleges, educational institutions, and training providers, Universities or Higher Education Centres. EBMA welcomes centres from any geographical location of the world.

Become an Approved Centre

If you decided to deliver our qualification(s), then you need to be our approved centre. Centre recognition is the process through which a centre wishing to offer EBMA qualifications is confirmed as being able to maintain the required quality and consistency of the assessment, and comply with other requirements of EBMA. We have a simpler process of centre recognition. We recommend you to make us an initial enquiry, and then an official application for centre approval afterwards. We will provide you with continuous support and guidance throughout your application process. Please find the necessary information required to be recognised centre of EBMA.

Support and Services for Recognised Centres

If your centre is already recognised by us, then we are committed to provide you with continuous guidance and support to help you in smoothly delivering our qualification(s). We will do this by using various means throughout your period of working with us.
Your access to Centre Portal will automate the processes of registration and certification of your learners. Whereas, some activities can also be managed using forms and guidance provided on this website.